Things To Do In Merritt, B.C.
Things To Do In Merritt, B.C.
Spring, summer, fall or winter you will find many things to do in Merritt, B.C.
Seek out new stores
New and different “Things to do in Merritt, B.C.” just has to include new and different places to go. There are some new businesses in town and it took me less than 10 minutes to find two of them.
Both “The Bee’s Knees” and “Petals and Plants” are new shops on Quilchena Avenue in the downtown core and several more will be up and running by the time you read this blog. Seek them out and enjoy something different!
The Bee’s Knees
Owner Amanda loves her job! She started out with the idea of selling clothes from home but that idea sure mushroomed! So she began “The Bee’s Knees” in March 2018 but outgrew that tiny space almost immediately! Next, Amanda moved to her present location in the 1900 block of Quilchena Avenue in July, taking all her great ideas (and clothes) with her!
This lady knows how to dress her clients! Amanda will offer you ideas and combinations you probably would never have thought of yourself. She is one creative business owner and if you are an old doll like me, her advice will help you update your wardrobe, or at least bring it into the 21st century!And, bless her, the woman carries plus sizes too! Don’t be embarrassed. Ask Amanda! Shop here at The Bee’s Knees where you won’t be all alone!
Check out “The Bee’s Knees” for great event clothes, vintage looks and up-to-the-minute designs too!
Amanda will even do your nails to match your outfit! At the Bee’s Knees you will certainly leave happy, even if you just go to look! Check out Bees Knees Boutique on facebook.
Petals & Plants
The next new place I came across when I was hunting for “things to do in Merritt, B.C.” was Petals & Plants. I heard more than one person say “Finally, a flower shop in Merritt!”
Yes, it is a flower shop- and more! Vicki, the owner, started her shop because, as she puts it, “I’m not great at retiring. I missed the people.” She won’t miss them here! The place has been full of customers and visitors every time I’ve stopped by! In addition to flowers, of course, Vicky carries lots of constantly changing items that make great gifts, so the place is likely to be full of people as well as petals & plants no matter when you go. So check it out!
Enjoy a mini spa day
For a list of “things to do in Merritt, B.C.” why not include a mini spa day! Start by going to the Aquatic Centre for a workout, followed by a swim, sauna and whirlpool. Then, take a hot shower, scrub with an exfoliant, pat down with a soft towel and use plenty of body cream. There. Now you are all soft and energized! Feels good, doesn’t it?
Afterwards? Keep your prearranged appointment at one of Merritt’s several hair salons for a wash, trim and blow dry. Then have a complete mani-pedi since many salons do both. And while you are there, try some new makeup too!
Now, you feel as fantastic as you look, so treat yourself to a nice lunch! Also, why not enjoy the rest of the day shopping?
Return home happy, relaxed and revitalized, a new you!

Seniors aquafit
Take a Walk
Among the best and easiest “things to do in Merritt, B.C.” is to take a walk! Enjoy some of our gorgeous scenery and beautiful parks! Check out the possibilities in my blogs “Walking Around Merritt” and “Parks in Merritt”and have some fun in any season. Incidentally, if you have kids with you, winter is a great time to walk in the park! Make snow angels, snow forts, snow people or snow pets! In addition to this, you can pack a snow picnic and add thermoses of hot soup and hot cocoa! Yum! You will have just as much fun as the kids!

Ready for a picnic after a walk in one of Merritt’s parks
Check Out the Library
These days the library goes way beyond a simple place to read and borrow books. There are many “things to do in Merritt, B.C.” right in our library! Yes, we all know about borrowing cd’s, dvd’s, and audio books. In addition to these standbys, there are also many children’s reading programs, crafting classes, story times, adult literacy programs and art classes. Besides all this, there are computer classes (and computers to use), knitting, crocheting, gardening, painting, food preserving and various discussion groups that meet at the library. Surprised?
Add to this list some very interesting lectures and guest authors who do readings. Or, if you want a quiet, peaceful day, pick out a book, sit on the comfy sofa by the fireplace and just read!
With all this available, I’m sure you will find many “things to do in Merritt, B.C.” that will entertain you at any time of the year!
Have a Pub Lunch
Well, we all like to eat, don’t we? So of course I include food in my “things to do in Merritt, B.C.” blog. Not the regular restaurants this time, though. The pubs!
A few years ago a friend dragged me, kicking and screaming I’ll admit, to a local pub for lunch. What a revelation! I actually had fun and a good lunch- at a reasonable price! Also, the lunch crowd was lively and fun. I could hardly believe it! I enjoyed myself!
Most pubs in Merritt have daily lunch and dinner specials. Try one! You will be surprised at how good pub food can be! And no, you don’t have to order alcohol with your meal if you would rather have coffee! However, a burger and a beer can go down nicely when you are in the mood.
Bonus- no one will give you a “look” if you laugh a little loudly with your friends!
Look at the seniors programs
If you are a senior, or know one, check out the goings-on at the Seniors Centre. This group certainly adds a lot to the “things to do in Merritt, B.C.” list. Try some of the following programs:
- Vinyasa Yoga @ the Civic Centre
- Seniors Free Swim @ the Aquatic Centre
- Stretch & Stability @ the Aquatic Centre
- Noon Hour Aqua Fit @ the Aquatic Centre
- Stand Tall, Don’t Fall @ the Seniors Centre
- Cribbage
- Bingo
swinging seniors
- Duplicate Bridge
- Carpet Bowling .
- Court Whist
- Physically Challenged Floor Curling
- Floor Curling
- Floor & Table Shuffleboard
- Drop-in Lunch
- Drop-in Activities, Fridays
- Rummoli & Games
- Drop-in Activities, Saturdays
- General Meeting
- Potluck
Wow! And some people think seniors aren’t active! Compared to what? Test out some things from this list and see if you can keep up!
Go bowling
How long has it been since you got a group of friends together and went bowling? Have most of us bowled regularly (we’re talking 5 pins here) since we were kids? Or maybe not bowled regularly since we were kids! If you’re looking for “things to do in Merritt, B.C.”, bowling is a fun one with the bonus of being genuine exercise! Check out Merritt Bowling Centre. Enjoy noise, laughter, exercise and yes, food! Bring back some of the good times of yesteryear. Repeat often.
What Else Can You Come Up With?
While there must be dozens more ideas that I haven’t even touched on, these are a few to get you started. What new ideas can you and your friends come up with?
Your senior blogger signing off for now.
- Mason Bees in Merritt BC – How to build a Mason Bee Hotel - April 11, 2020
- Nicola Valley Foodbank in Merritt - December 18, 2019
- Merritt BC Businesses – Earthwalker - November 9, 2019
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