Nicola Valley British Columbia Canada including the City of Merritt, Lower Nicola, Quilchena and the surrounding First Nation lands.

Snowshoeing Near Merritt

Nicola Valley is a Snowshoe Base Camp

Snowshoe Adventures in the Nicola Valley

I have spoken about Snowshoeing near Merritt before but I decided people may want to know about other places near by.  Snowshoeing is a natural part to Merritt and our Nicola Valley winters so when the snow flies we don our snowshoes and head out to one of endless number of winter adventure destinations in the region.

Snowshoeing Near Merritt includes Hamilton Hill

If you are looking for a less formal and structured snowshoe experience then Hamilton Hill is a great spot. Whereas Kane Valley has well marked trails, Hamilton Hill is wide open and it is up to you to determine which way you want to go.

You reach Hamilton Hill from Merritt by heading out on Highway 97C (the Connector) towards the Okanagan.  The intersection is about 2KM from the 286 exit from the Coquihalla and will be on your right. However, be advised, there is no advanced warning for this intersection so you will have to keep a sharp eye open.

Snowshoeing near Merritt BC Canada

Snowshoeing wide open spaces.

Kane Valley Snowshoeing in the Nicola Valley

I have spoken about Kane Valley before and I want to visit it again.  The snowshoe trails are accessed at the parking lots provided for the ski trails. Nevertheless, the snowshoe trails are near the ski trails, so it is important to stay off  them and follow the signage for snowshoeing.

I am not the only blogger in Experience Nicola Valley  that sings the praises of the fun at Kane Valley.  Visit our prolific blogger, Tania Stewart, to enjoy her thoughts.

To reach Kane Valley you head up Highway 97C (the Connector) for about ten minutes and watch for the signs.

Kane Snow Shoeing Photo credit: Tom Reynolds

Kane Valley Snowshoeing. Photo credit: Tom Reynolds

Helmer Provides Snowshoeing Near Merritt BC Canada

Heading north from Merritt on Highway 5 for about 15 minutes brings you to the Helmer Lake area where you can select a number of options. However the one I like begins at the forestry sight at the lake which is reached by going  under the highway and going straight for about 1 KM. You park at the forestry recreation site, slap on your shoes and head out across the lake.  When you get to the end of the lake there is a narrow green belt of trees that you need to walk through to get to the wide open spaces.

Alternatively, you can take a right turn after you have gone under the overpass and drive to the powerline to get to the open spaces.

Helmer Lake snowshoeing in Nicola Valley

Wide Open Spaces. Photo credit: Tom Reynolds

However, if you want a more forested experience don’t cross under the highway but continue on the forest road for about 1 KM where you will come to a landing that is suitable for parking provided it is not being used by forestry as a staging area for their logs.  Therefore, in this area there are a number of logging roads that you can go on.

Merritt BC Logging Road Trails

Logging road trails. Photo credit: Tom Reynolds.

Snowshoeing Tips near Merritt

Like many outdoor activities there are risks involved in snowshoeing. Therefore before you head out do some research on safety provisions you need such as a first aid kit, layered clothing, food and a GPS.  As well as, check out the areas you are going to by getting maps of the area.  For this you can contact BC Forestry Services.

Snowshoeing Accommodations in Merritt

To enjoy these spots for snowshoeing near Merritt you should consider spending the weekend here.  After all, we are only 3 hours from Vancouver, 1.5 hours from Kelowna and under an hour from Kamloops.  As well as, we have 2 relatively new hotels, the Comfort Inn and Best Western Plus.  For other accommodation you can find affordable hotels on Voght Street such as the Ramada and the Quality Inn.  Subsequently, on Nicola Avenue, a short distance from the 286 interchange are some of the original motels for Merritt.  Although these units are older  most are well maintained.

Snowshoeing Near Merritt

Merritt is a Snowshoeing Base Camp

Merritt British Columbia Canada

Nicola Valley Travel and Tourism Guides

nicola valley talk show

“Experience Community Program” is a small and rural community authentic content marketing program.  Therefore it is a product of the EH? Canada Marketing Group.  Contact us today to bring this award winning community program to your region. 








Healthy Habits for Fall Just as I’d suspect, I’m rolling into another Nicola Valley November without a plan in place—healthy or otherwise. Flying back to Merritt BC from Italy this summer, I had all the best-laid intentions. Meanwhile, my fantasy dream life took a hiatus as real-life chaos slipped in again. Oh well—at least the comfort zone is exactly that “comfortable.”


“Tell me again, would you like to pay for 6-month upfront or go on a month-to-month plan?” I find myself standing in front of the reception desk in the expansive room with a large number of workout machines. That is to say, in the space of my 10-minute automatic car wash, my mind had gone from “let’s get an ice cream cone!” to “let’s create healthy habits for Fall!”

Healthy Habits for Fall in Merritt BC

Blending soups and greens for extra nutrition! || Photo Credit: Tia Delaney


Subsequently, I had just unknowingly started a 30-day health plan. The story of my life. Impulse control = 0. Shiny new project = 1. However, this time the shiny new project was…me?! Most importantly, I was about to launch the New-to-You spiritually, emotionally, and all-around physically aligned model of this beautifully being—whoop whoop, get it!


Okay, so let’s get some things straight. Jumping into new habits and expectations for our lives is “the norm” in most humans’ lives. We gravitate to creature comforts and backslide on our goals, time and time again. But, there is one big exception—we forget we are entirely within our means to stay just as we are…that’s okay too!


In my opinion, I am amazed by the people who can keep up a determined pace and fast-track their goals. I watch spellbound as they balance their schedules with seeming ease as I, speaking from experience, have a shall we say, “relaxed view” of daily life. Impulse guides the way, so taking the scenic route to complete tasks is my natural course of action.


Most importantly, I no longer penalize myself for “cheat meals” or “falling off the wagon.” However, creating healthy habits for Fall is truly only ONE action away. In speaking with my coach she shared this gem: “When in doubt–take an action!” I get to put away all my self-doubt and negativity I feel in failing (Again!), and just Be in Action. Coaches are a great way to keep accountability!

30-Day Challenge Accepted

30 Day Exercise Challenge Accepted

Adding a dash of ‘Sparkle’ to my smoothie! || Photo Credit: Tia Delaney


Likewise, since I’ve decided I’m already carrying around a few extra pounds…there’s no more room for extra baggage too. Subsequently, as a Self Proclaimed Self-Love Guru, ahem, I find the only way I follow through for myself is if I’m having Fun. No FUN? No ME. 


Firstly, when was the last time you intentionally gave yourself a treat? Secondly, who was the last person you made laugh? Thirdly, how many “some day-one day” tasks do you have taking up precious brain cell storage? If these don’t seem like simple questions, try writing a bullet list on “How I value my time…”


Above all, you know what’s best for you. Taking on this mission, Healthy Habits for Fall, has me trying new things that I’ve often been hard-pressed to keep up with at all. Perhaps it’s time for you to break out the Mental Checklist and see how many Fabulous Fall activities you have already completed without being aware! Isn’t it brilliant, when we find out how absolutely brilliant we are?


Like Blog writing…l adore putting pen to paper, yet the structure of writing consistently is like an albatross around my neck. Until I flip it on its head and think…”Wow, how fun to share my words with the world!” Then “BOOM” the words fly to the page—and every day I commit—I’m that much closer to establishing this healthy career goal while enjoying all the Nicola Valley has to offer.

Creating Healthy Expectations in the Nicola Valley

When Smoothie Bowls take on a life of their own! || Photo Credit: Tia Delaney


In other words, creating these Healthy Habits for Fall are like the first time I ate sushi. I wasn’t a fan of the slimy texture of raw fish, yet with time, I discovered how each of the layers bring out a new delicious flavor. Choosing where to place a priority or value depends on my “lens” or view of life.


When I live by the seat of my pants—I get chaos, instability, and spontaneity. Spontaneity is a value of mine…so, I’m getting 1 out of 3 with that lifestyle context. However, when I live intentionally—I get balance, peace, and simplicity. Peace being my no. 1 value… so I also get 1 out of 3 with this context.


Most importantly, here’s how I have learned to make life 1% better…I make choices that are simple for me to execute. For example, I buy a Gym Membership. Now I show myself I’m committing to my health—time to make a plan I can commit to. Planning to hit the gym 5 days per week for 1 hour at a time is like asking for $1M to fall in my lap. Not likely to happen.


Gym in Merritt BC

Getting there is ALL the battle! || Photo Credit: Tia Delaney

In the same vein, I’ll aim to stop by the gym every day, and stay for 1-5 min. I can stay as long as I like as the goal is to create the habit or expectation to “show up” to the gym. Which is usually my largest hurdle, as when I’m there—I’m ready to Goooooo!


If you are anything like me, you’re ready to throw in the towel at week 3. The newness has worn off, those chocolate sweets are looking delectable all over again…and the most damning, the number on the scale hardly moved so, “what the heck!” Similarly, your friends want you to go out, and you’re tired of cooking extra meals for yourself and your kids.


I’ve heard it said so many times…find time for yourself. Love yourself. Choose yourself. Likewise, I’ve been a Party-Starter raising the roof and slinging this same positive rose-colored optimism. Yet, how do we actually make it happen? Come on down, and discover how you will build those healthy habits for Fall weather, and keep them pushing into Spring!


Yes, even in our questions and answers we’ve experience inflation…so as you’d expect the answer to the $1M Question has gone up to $10M. You’ll agree, it’s only fitting as everything else in our life has gone up exponentially. But I digress, the answer you seek lies within young padawan…oops wrong script…but it does lie in You.


Your actions and inactions are the sum total of you. As a result, me or you taking responsibility for what is out of sync in our lives is not actually a boiling pot of shame, guilt, and “shoulda-coulda-woulda’s.” It’s a place to discover why we are resisting “going to work” on a part of our lives that we are not completely over the moon about. This is the “juice” for establishing successful and healthy habits for Fall and Winter months!


However, striking a healthy balance between meditation queen and terrified solo traveler, I had 29 days to get lost in my own head. Not everyone has this privilege, so here are the nuggets of “Gold” I found helpful that may bring you success in planning healthy habits for Fall and honouring your goals.

Firstly, if my body, heart, mind, and soul have to flow—everything is possible.


Secondly, my body has a plan—lean into it.

I’ll eat when need it. I will also eat when I’m not sure what else to do. Then I’ll eat when my mind is bored or feeling anxious. Plus I eat for pleasure. But, denying my body food will only prolong the inevitable. So I have now given myself permission to be a “foodie”…no foods are off limits, ever!

Delicious and nutritious

Nutritious Salad + Tuna Melt || Photo Credit: Tia Delaney


Thirdly, a creative mind is my happy place.

Most importantly, my mindset creates the space for my body to feel safe, content, and at ease. If I have an expectation that is too large, that’s a breeding ground for disappointment. For instance, cooking a healthy meal and hitting the gym all in one day, will lead me to disaster. I know from experience that when I am starting out again, “slow and steady” progress creates long-lasting results.


Time and time again I have taken the advice of others instead of trusting my inner voice. Even when that voice says, “I can’t do it,” I no longer try to change it with seemingly helpful toxic positivity or Band-aid affirmations. Instead, I add a caveat at the end. “I can’t do it right now, but I’m a work in progress, and in time I’ll find a way.”


Try it out—all of a sudden that item on your list may not seem so heavy to lift.

All unrealistic expectations are simply putting your happiness on hold. It’s time to give up the old ideas that “practice makes perfect” and “just do it” will sustain the day when you’ve planted one foot in a mud puddle, spilled pumpkin spice latte on your shirt, and are 5-minutes late due to sleep deprivation. You are allowed to be a “work in progress.” Moreover, please don’t throw your plan to build healthy habits for Fall out the window!


Green Goddess Salad

Lettuce Wraps are my powerhouse Go To! || Photo Credit: Tia Delaney

Raising a toast to you—the CEO of your life, the “Big Kahuna”, the one who matters most. Whatever you think self-love is…here’s the expanded version. Committing to yourself for 30-days is a recipe for a chef’s kiss to your body, a head nod to your mind, and a warm fuzzy hug for your heart.

Imagine just how utterly delighted your soul will feel…absolute bliss!


Instead of marking time on Netflix and mindless scrolling—look back to one year ago. To clarify, look at the exact month and date. How have you grown? How have you stayed the same? Can you happily picture yourself doing exactly what you’re doing now, no richer, no poorer, no happier, no sadder, no bigger, no smaller?


If so—you’ve unlocked level one. Being content with what is—so you can find a way to move forward without angst.

If not—you may be still resisting letting life be what it is. Try on a new pair of lenses…shift that paradigm. After all, it’s not about messing with perfection, it’s about discovering what you can do and that the current model of you is actually pretty great!


Nicola Valley Travel and Tourism Guides
nicola valley talk show

“Experience Community Program” is a small and rural community authentic content marketing program.  Therefore it is a product of the EH? Canada Marketing Group.  Contact us today to bring this award winning program to your community.

Award Winning Birding Naturalist  in Merritt BC Canada

Dr. Sonya Richmond and Sean Morton Speak at NVIT Theatre

Birding study while backpacking and wilderness camping on the Trans Canada Trail across Canada

The opportunities of Birdwatching in Merritt BC has never been more clear. This past week Tourism Nicola Valley, EH Canada Travel, in partnership with the Nicola Valley Naturalist Society, hosted award winning naturalist Dr. Sonya Richmond and photographer Sean Morton right here in Merritt British Columbia Canada.  Our guests shared their adventures, stories, tips and bird sightings from across the country while backpacking the Trans Canada Trail during a 1-hour presentation at NVIT (Nicola Valley Institute of Technology) on Thursday October 20th, 2022. 

Birdwatching in Merritt BC with Dr. Sonya Richmond and Sean Morton

Birdwatching in Merritt BC

Birdwatching in Merritt BC presentation with Dr. Sonya Richmond and Sean Morton. Photo Credit: Greg Girard

Dr. Sonya Richmond and Sean Richmond have a story to tell. A 4 year story in fact, studying people’s relationship with nature, while documenting bird species,  on the 28000 kilometre long Trans Canada Trail. They tell their unfolding story on their blog called Come Walk With Us

The TCT Starting Line

They started their journey in Newfoundland, Canada in 2019 seeking out bird species, and recording their findings as they backpacked east until they reached British Columbia, and Merritt BC. It was here in the Nicola Valley, they presented an impressive slide show presentation at NVIT about birds throughout Canada with commentary depicting the many geographical landscapes Canada enjoys, as well as, the ever changing wildlife species specific to each region. It was a lesson to behold. A lesson which opened eyes and ears for the first time. We share with you their presentation below.  

Come Walk With Us

Trans Canada Trail Penticton BC

Picking up Dr. Sonya and Sean in Penticton BC. Photo Credit: Greg Girard

Our journey with the award-winning duo started with picking them up near the Trans Canada Trail in Penticton, BC. Certainly it was exciting to meet Sonya and Sean in person after so many years of e-connecting. The award winning naturalist and photographer have been sharing their backpacking, wildlife, birding and camping stories on their blog called Come Walk With Us, and through their social media channels for years now. Therefore you can follow their exploits and insights easily on social media, like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, by searching one of their hashtags #hike4birds and/or #comewalkwithus.

Stories on the Trans Canada Trail

It is a story of successes and challenges. Wildlife sightings and missed sightings. Sun and snow. Fires and smoke. Silence and noise. And, yes, there are many encounters with good people and, sadly, a few with bad people. However, it is their story on the Trans Canada Trail of personal growth while flying solo on the wings of birds. They will be the third group to have completed the Trans Canada Trail in history! 

Who is Dr. Sonya?

Dr. Sonya Richmond and Sean Morton of Come Walk With Us.

Dr. Sonya Richmond and Sean Morton of Come Walk With Us. Photo Credit: Sean Morton

Dr. Sonya Richmond is a friend, scholar, an awarding winning Canadian Naturalist, a Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society, as well as, member of the Explorer’s Club of Canada. Her awards include:

  • An Inspire Award Winner – Universal Women’s Network (2021).
  • Nature Inspiration Award Finalist – Canadian Museum of Nature (2021)
  • Recipient of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society Expedition Grant (2021) and Research Grant (2022)
  • Stan Hodgkiss Canadian Outdoor Person of the Year – Canadian Federation of Wildlife (2022)
  • Ontario Federation of Ornithologist’s Certificate of Appreciation (2022).  In my language “a person who studies or is an expert on birds”

And, my personal favorite, Dr. Sonya is a member of the award winning Canada Adventure Seeker Club. But then again I am a tad bias on this one. 

Who is Sean Morton?

Sean Morton is a friend, scholar, a Member of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society, and an award-winning landscape and nature photographer whose work has been published in Broadview Magazine, Ontario Nature, Alberta Nature and the Bruce Trail Magazine among others.

Birdwatching in Merritt, BC – What We Learned

They even did some research about birding in the Nicola Valley. It was a treat listening to the naturalists about birdwatching in Merritt BC . Some of us got schooled, others an awakening  and some… a gentle reminder of the perfect opportunities for birdwatching we can enjoy in our very own valley of birds. In other words… it totally makes sense now!

Birdwatching in Merritt BC Makes Sense 

Merritt sits under the popular birding migration route called the Pacific Flyway attracting birds to the region every year. As a result, our lakes play a large part in attracting birds to our region to nest, feed and breed.  In fact one of the largest IBA’s in Western Canada for protecting birds is located in the Nicola Valley. It is called the “Douglas Lake Plateau“. I believe the number of bird species identified in the valley is around 166. I am sure our friends at the Nicola Valley Naturalist Club can provide an exact count. 

What is the Douglas Lake Plateau IBA?

An IBA is an “Important Birding Area”.  The Douglas Lake Plateau IBA starts in Kamloops, BC in the north to Nicola Lake in the south, then extends east to Salmon Lake. The most notable bird sightings include the Burrowing Owl, Lewis Woodpecker, and Sandhill Cranes. However, did you know that the Douglas Lake Plateau is a migration and breeding ground for Sandhill Cranes? It is said that up to 10,000 Sandhill Cranes visit during the IBA during the spring and fall migrations. Wow right! In BC, the Douglas Lake Plateau is an important region to protect for migratory birds. 

The Birding Industry in Canada

The opportunities of the Canadian birdwatching industry are many. The market is huge!

“30.7% (7,605,527) of adult Canadians went wildlife viewing while on an out-of-town, overnight trip of one or more nights.” Bird Canada

Consequently, birders tend to spend money in other areas of the community as well. Art, entertainment, cultural and historical attractions tend to compliment a wildlife viewing adventure. Research shows birders are also interested in other adventures like hiking, climbing & paddling; cycling; cross-country skiing & snowshoeing. Canadian wildlife viewers spend $1.3 billion on wildlife viewing adventures per year.  Beginner birders spent an average of $330.68 per day, as compared with $549.38 by expert birders.

How Can We Better Promote Birdwatching in Merritt BC

What we learned includes how to start educating our locals, attracting more bird enthusiasts to the Nicola Valley and do a better job at involving our youth. It is apparent that screen time is at an all time dangerous level for our youth. Using programs like iNaturalist will help transform “screen time to green time” as it is similar to a video game but it involves the outdoors to play. To maintain and grow a specific tourism sector the youth have to carry the torch. If they do not, the torch just may go out.

Birding Library in Merritt

Therefore, an important note to end on. We have a birding backpacking program operated by the Nicola Valley Public Library. Who would of “thunk” it. Time to grow that program too. Our birds depend on it. 

In conclusion we would like to thank Dr. Sonya and Sean for taking the time to visit with us and to educate some of us, including this blogger. The feedback has been very positive and you have left a big impression on the Nicola Valley. Thank you from all of us in the Nicola Valley including Melvina White (TNV), Tia Delaney (ENV Blogger), Alan Burger ( Nicola Naturalist Society ) and the Girard Brothers (Greg & Colin Girard) of Canada Travel Website. 

Contact Dr. Sonya and Sean Morton



How You Can Donate:

Birdwatching in Merritt BC

Greg Girard, Dr. Sonya Richmond, Sean Morton, Alan Burger, Colin Girard

Sean Morton, Melvina White, Sonya Morton

Sean Morton, Melvina White, Dr. Sonya Richmond

Sean Morton, Sonya Morton, Tia Delaney

Sean Morton, Dr. Sonya Richmond, Tia Delaney

Birdwatching in Merritt BC Canada

Birding Naturalist and Wildlife Photographer in Merritt BC Canada


Travel and Tourism Guides
nicola valley talk show

“Experience Community Program” is a small and rural community authentic content marketing program.  Therefore it is a product of the EH? Canada Marketing Group.  Contact us today to bring this award winning program to your community.

Community Futures Engagement Fair 2022

Merritt and Nicola Valley Non Profits and Community Services

A Community Futures Nicola Valley Event

The Community Futures Engagement Fair 2022 was recently held at the Civic Centre on Saturday October 1st. The event was hosted by the team at Community Futures Nicola Valley in Merritt BC Canada. They entertained us, fed us, educated us and had some prizing to give away celebrating our volunteers and community service employees.  The event was enjoyed by many, as it was a chance to reconnect with the community and reintroduce ourselves to the many who make our town click on many fronts. 

Community Futures Engagement Fair 2022

We at Experience Nicola Valley were invited to meet, greet, chat and video the vendors with our unique and entertaining interview style. We were proud, and humbled, to share and celebrate another big positive in the valley, our services and non-profits. Experience Nicola Valley Bloggers – Tania Stewart, Tom Reynolds and Jano Howarth – were onsite to interview 13 different vendors. Below we have provided all the videos. They are short, sweet and to the point. Please support these groups in a positive manner and please let them know we thank them. 


Experience Nicola Valley

Experience Nicola Valley is part of the award winning story telling platform and training program celebrating adventures, activities, small businesses and non profits in the Nicola Valley. Tourism Nicola Valley introduced the program to our community and now it plays a big part in our development and keeping communication channels open and transparent.

Samaritan's Purse at Community Futures Engagement Fair

Sherry Peterson and Meghan Blackmore of Samaritan’s Purse with Tania Stewart of Experience Nicola Valley.

Literacy Merritt & Nicola Valley Society

Kelly Reid of Literacy Merritt & Nicola Valley Society with Jano Howarth of Experience Nicola Valley.

Nicola Valley Rodeo Association at Community Futures Engagement Fair

Gert Leslie of the Nicola Valley Rodeo Association with Tom Reynolds of Experience Nicola Valley.

In conclusion, thank you from all of us here, for supporting Merritt and the surrounding areas every day.  It was a fun day learning, watching and working with the team at Community Futures Nicola Valley and a joy to be onsite with Tania Stewart, Tom Reynolds and Jano Howarth, three of our story telling experts. They all were glad to participate and interview the many vendors at the Community Futures Engagement Fair. To those who visited, you rock. 

Community Engagement Fair

Non Profits, Not for Profit and Community Services

Nicola Valley Travel and Tourism Guides
nicola valley talk show

“Experience Community Program” is a small and rural community authentic content marketing program.  Therefore it is a product of the EH? Canada Marketing Group.  Contact us today to bring this award winning community program to your region. 

Art Shows in Merritt BC

Nicola Valley Arts Gallery: Show of Shows 

Art Shows in Merritt BC at the Gallery for the last five years

Art Shows in Merritt BC

Nicola Valley Arts Gallery: Show of Shows Photo Credit Kim Leclair

Art Shows in Merritt BC and on the walls of the Nicola Valley Arts Gallery is the Show of Shows exhibition, the posters from 55 art shows since May 2017.  That was when I became the Gallery Director in Merritt BC and began curating art from the valley in a variety of exhibits, featuring all local artists. All local except the artists in two 2017 shows. 

Showing the creativity and art from our own Nicola Valley is one of the missions of the Nicola Valley Community Arts Council. And that mission is a passion of mine, to gather a diversity of art expressions in a variety of art shows.

Art shows in Merritt BC from young and old…

The 55 shows have brought the art of all ages to our small Gallery. We recently had clay sculptures and paintings from an after school art class with children as young as seven years.

And two of the many shows featured Bev Veale, who is still painting and drawing as she turns 86 years old. And Bev is not the only artist in the area who continues to create well into their retirement. Some retirees are just beginning their artistic path! 

Posters as art…

Bees in the Nicola Valley

The Bee Show, Poster by Kim Leclair

For each show, except one, local artist Kim Leclair has put together images provided her to create a poster that is art itself. Kim uses her digital skills to promote art shows in Merritt BC in posters which are printed to post around town, and in digital form to use in all our social media. 

The posters for each show are now on display on the walls of our small town Gallery, framed informally with bright wooden and metal frames. As people enter the Gallery the show posters take them on a sequential journey down memory lane around the four walls. 

We have put on about ten shows a year, each about five weeks, some longer and some shorter. Each art show has a story about its inspiration, the artists and submissions, and its time in the community.

Winter Art Show

6th Winter Artisan Show at the Nicola Valley Arts Centre Photo Credit Kim Leclair

Our month long Winter Artisan Show, since 2016

One corner of the Gallery is filled with the Winter Artisan posters, a popular yearly event since 2016. Artists and artisans, who are not already a part of our adjoining Gift Shop, are invited to display their art and wares for the local and traveling public. From local honey, to hand spun scarves, to art on the wall, there is something for everyone during the festive season.

The artists and artisans who participate have often already been a part of one of our Gallery shows.

We feature individual artists, two person shows, invite shows with several artists, and community shows where everyone in the Nicola Valley can submit a piece or two for the show. 

Art Show Stories

Each show curated has stories of its inspiration, its execution, and the personal accounts of the artist(s) and the art…

Some shows are touching in their topics, like the Memories and Mandalas Show, honouring over 30 artists and creatives who have passed in our valley. Hearing the stories of the submissions for this show was both emotional and fascinating. It was a very personal show for me, as I set up a display for my thirty year partner, a creative writer well known in our community, Gordon Cockle. Gord was a writer, a journalist, and a natural comedian and poet. I held his memorial during this show, a quiet affair in the middle of our Covid shutdown.

Another, The Murray Church Show, lamented the burning of a well know historic church a few kilometres out of town. The show acknowledged the memories of so many people in the community and beyond

This was a community art show in Merritt BC, by the community, and about our community. And the stories were from far and wide. We had Murray Church art on display: oils, pastels, watercolours, and sketches, both recent and from long ago. We had lots of photos of the church: inside and out, past pastors, and events, as well as art photography. There were collages, storyboards, stories, newspaper clippings, brochures, and past posters.

Linda Baird of the Trinity United Church, along with Amrit Samra, gathered much of the historical material for this wonderful show. We held a story telling evening…

This is a favourite poster of mine, because of Kim Leclair’s depiction of the church, gone…

Murray Church Art Show Poster

Murray Church Art Show Poster. Photo Credit Kim Leclair

The church has since been rebuilt, complete with stained glass by local artists Susan and Glenn Parkinson.

Art During Covid, Inspiring

Art During Covid

Art During Covid: Creativity Persists Photo credit Kim Leclair

Our Art of Covid: Creativity Persists Community Show was surprisingly beautiful. We held this show in early 2021, during our months of careful protocols. We weren’t sure what to expect but the creativity that people brought forward was full of beauty and inspiration, as well as art expressing unsurprising frustration.

Soon after our 2021 fires and floods, causing wide spread evacuations and regional, community, and personal devastation, we put a call out for a show about our pets and creatures, Creature Comforts. I heard so many stories about the care that our people took to save their pets and their livestock in our ranch and rural community. The stories were harsh, or sweet, and once again, inspirational. The art submitted gave people an opportunity to tell their stories of  flood and fire experiences when they came in to see the show. 

Those stories are still going on. Lasting effects.

Youth Art in Meritt BC

Coming Home Show, Youth Art. Photo Credit Kim Leclair

Our Merritt High School Seniors Art Shows in Merritt BC

The Youth POV…

Every year now, the local High School, Merritt Senior Secondary has a spring show with us, put together from their art class projects with teacher, Shannon Dunn.

This year the show, Coming Home, was a poignant mix of art and writing, expressing the experiences of the students during the fires and floods of 2021, most experiencing weeks-long evacuations and many the destruction of their homes. Still ongoing displacement…

Quotes from the students, about their art, and life…

“There is whimsy in everyday still life…”

“Children shouldn’t have to sacrifice their childhoods to survive.”

“I enjoy drawing simple things that bring me joy and peace.”

“People can feel isolated from each other even when being surrounded.”

“…to fly without boundaries, to explore without obligations.”

“Look closely, can you see starts on the window of her eye? They represent calmness and curiosity.”

“…that nostalgic feeling which envelops you in a warm blanket of comfort and reminiscence.”

Art Show Fun

We love to include the creative expressions and talents in different areas that are not always recognized in a small town gallery. 

Like the shoe show, Shoe Fabulous! Fun! It was inspired by Jean Kiegerl and her fab collection of shoes. We learned, during the call out for that show. who in our community has amazing shoe collections! Gorgeous and fun displays of shoes as well as shoe paintings, 3d mixed media on the paths we take, bronzed baby shoes, and firemen’s boots. We even had a little shoe shop in the back… Unforgettable!

Our Body Art: Living Art of Tattoo and Body Adornment art shows in Merritt BC displayed the work of our two tattoo artists in town, as well as airbrush, hair and makeup art. We posted body art images from around the world. I was inspired to take the plunge and designed arm band tattoos for myself that summer. Definitely fun!

Showcasing Different Talents in our Community

Art Shows in Merritt BC

Artof Sound Poster by Kim Leclair. Photo
by Jano Howarth

We enjoyed putting on a show, Wild! Flies, Skins, and Skulls, for the amazing fly tie artists in our fishing community. The beautiful work of internationally known fly tier Peter McVey (now past) of Corbett Lake Lodge, and others, brought in a whole different audience to our art show. We combined the fly tieing submissions with a bit of local taxidermy and skulls from a variety of creatures found in our surrounding valleys. We held a skull painting workshop around Halloween for that show! Fun!

Another fun show was our Art of Sound. We asked artists, musicians, creatives to express this theme in a variety of ways. So besides art of painting and drawings, we had Amrit Ahuja’s sound wave of the phrase “I love you.” framed. People brought interactive instruments and the Gallery was filled with sound, visual and literal.

I brought in a record player to play our fav LP’s. And I traded artist Robert Moretti my Janis Joplin vinyl for his jukebox painting. A great trade…

Jukebox Art

Got this in trade for a Janis Joplin vinyl Photo Credit Jano Howarth

Individual Artist Shows

My first individual artist show, in June 2017, was Leonard George, a very creative indigenous artist I had known for years. It was a retrospective show, with work he had done over the years collected from various private collections, with a few new works mixed in for purchase.

Art Shows in Merritt

Local Artist Jean Kiegerl and Twin Willows Photo Credit Kim Leclair

Other shows featuring a single artist: Wyatt Collins, a young artist working on big canvases, Libby Dybikowski, whose Sun. River. Mountain piece takes up a big space on one of my home walls, and Fred Tomlin, who’s stunning wood and mirror work surprised the community. Most of it.

Artist Michelle Lonsdale, with her show Wondernatural, also plays for us at Open Mic Nights and has taken up delicate tattoo art.

 And Jean Kiegerl, Cassandra Dolen and Shirley Reynolds, all experienced and dedicated artists we are fortunate to have in our community. 

So many I have been fortunate to work with. Inspiring artists in our small town community…

Living Legends…

Art Shows in Merritt BC

Living Legends Art Show. Photo credit Kim Leclair

A fav young graffiti style artist, Joel Reid, helps me put up a lot of the art shows. At 6′ 4″ if he’s there, I don’t need a ladder. He named one of our art shows in BC Merritt, when I told him who was coming, Living Legends. Long time artists instrumental in guiding our arts community for years, Pius Chong, Evelyn Armstrong, and Doug Strand were joined by inspired music and art supporter and artist in her own right, Jackie Stibbards. 

Living Legends for sure, in any community. And I know that many of our up and coming artists, expressing their creativity and sharing their art with our community, will take their place as well known inspirations in our Nicola Valley.

Gratifying. It’s a blessing to pull together the fun, thoughtful, inspired work of the many artists who have participated in all of these 55 shows over the last five years.

And we are almost booked for the next two years, art shows we can all look forward to, from community themed shows to feature artists to interactive and challenging shows. 

List of  55 Art Shows in BC Merritt below, May 2017 to August 2022.

What’s happening in the Arts Council?

Jano Howarth, Arts Gallery Curator and talent fan.’

Facebook and Instagram: Jano Howarth

Facebook: Creative Community 

Website: Meme Dreams 

55 Art Shows in Merritt BC from May 2017 to August 2022


1. May 6- June 3  The Poetic Language of Landscape with Patricia Peters…

2. June 8- 24   In the Siege of Roots: A Retrospective with Leonard George

3. July 5-July 31 Art Walk with Bruce Walter and Ellen Miller

4. Aug 3- 31   Art Walk Artist’s Show 

5. Sept 1- 23   Bev Veale: A Retrospective

6. Sept 28- Oct 28   Ekphrastic: The Fibre Art Network

7. Nov 3- 18   Shoe Fabulous: A Collection from Collections Community Show with Jean Kiegerl

8. Dec 1- Jan 13   2nd Winter Artisan Show


9. Jan 18- 27   Lifestyle: Clothes and Colours Community Show

10. Feb 1- Mar 3   Form, Figure, Faces Community Show

11. Mar 15-Apr 7   Wyatt’s World: An Abstract Expressionist’s Unique Perspective in Fluid Imagination with Wyatt Collins

12. Apr 19- May 12   Our Story: SD 58 Arts Festival 2018 with MSS Seniors

13. May 24- June 16   Into the Valley: Spirit, Energy, and Life with Pauline Ouelette and Natalie Rostad-Desjarlais

14. July 3- 31   Art Walk 2018 with Cindilla Trent and Pat Tombe

15. Aug 2- Sept 1   Art Walk Artists’ Show Community Show

16. Sept 6- 29   Merritt to Marrakech with Libby Dybikowski

17. Oct 11- Nov 4   Wild! Flies, Skins & Skulls Community and Invite Show

18. Nov 8-24   Wabi Sabi: Art in Imperfection with Vickie Strom

19. Nov 30- Dec 22   3rd Winter Artisan Show

2019 Art Shows in Merritt BC

20. Feb 1- Mar 2   Art of Sound: The Creative Expression of Sound Through Sound and Art Mediums

21. Mar 8- 30   Living Legends: Four Nicola Valley Artists with Pius Chong, Evelyn Armstrong, Doug Strand, Jackie Stibbards

22. Apr 5- 27   Wondernatural with Michelle Lonsdale

23.   Apr Joel Reid Art Show

24. May 2- 11   Create-Communicate-Connect with MSS Seniors

25. May 17- June 22   Forever West: A Lifestyle That Gas Never Changed with Faye Gustafson

26. June 27- July 31   Murray Church Show Community Show with Linda Baird and Peter Samra

27. Aug 9- Sept 7   Upcycle: Have Some Fun! Get Inspired! Save the Earth! Community Show

28. Sept 13 -Oct 5   Swing Into Fall Community Show

29. Oct 11- Nov 9  Fractured Reflections: The Art of Fred Tomlin

30.  4th Pop Up Winter Artisan Show and Shop


31. Feb 7- Mar 14   Children in Art, Art for Children Community Show

32. Apr 5- June 13   I Love Painting! The Robert Moretti Show

33. May28 -June 13   Landscapes of the Nicola Valley with Dave Barber

34. June 19 – July 11   From the Earth Invite Show

35. July 17- Aug 22   The Bee Show Community Show with local apiarists

36. Sept 4- 26   Memories and Mandalas NVCAC Members Invite Show

37. Oct 15- Nov 14   Art for the Love of It with Jean Kiegerl and Twin Willows

38. Nov 20- Dec 4   5th Annual Winter Artisan Show & Sale


39. Jan 13-31   Street Art! Community Show

40. Feb 3-Mar 7   Art During Covid: Creativity Persists Community Show

41. Mar 10- Apr 11   Looking Forward Now with Cindilla Trent and Kim Leclair

42. Apr 14- May 2   Unmasked: MSS Graduating Show

43. May 5-23   Clubhouse Art Show with Members of CMHA

44. May 26- June 27   Pencil Paintings with Judy Young

45. June 30- Aug 1   Body Art: Living Art of Tattoo and Body Adornment Community Show

46. Aug 4- Sept 5   Art of Clothing: Creative Fashion Community Show

47. Sept 8- Oct 10   Merritt Naturally: Discover Nature at Our Doorstep with Frank Ritcey and Bruce Walter

48. Oct 13- Nov 7   Baskets and Bowls with Evelyn Armstrong and Andrew Ruigrok

49. Nov 13- Dec 24   6th Annual Winter Artisan Show & Sale

And this year, 2022 Art Shows in Merritt BC

50. Jan 26- Mar 13   Creature Comforts Community Show

51. Mar 16- Apr 10   Kevin Griffiths: Flora, Fauna, Facility

52. Apr 13- May 1   Bev Veale: Reminiscences

53. May 5- June 5   Shirley Reynolds: Colour Personified

54. May 8-26   Coming Home with the MSS Seniors

55. June 29- Aug 7   Food for Thought Community show

56. Aug 11 – Sept 11   Show of Shows Curated by Jano Howarth, Posters by Kim Leclair

Art Shows in Merritt BC

Artists, Artisans, Art Gallery in the Nicola Valley

Nicola Valley Travel and Tourism Guides
nicola valley talk show

“Experience Community Program” is a small and rural community authentic content marketing program.  Therefore it is a product of the EH? Canada Marketing Group.  Contact us today to bring this award winning community program to your region. 


Nicola Valley Food Bank

Not Just  a Food Bank

Serving the Community on Merritt BC Canada

One of the more important social services in Merritt is the Nicola Valley Food Bank.  Therefore this organization is instrumental in filling a gap where people have to decide between shelter or food.  There are many people in the Merritt area who do not have enough financial support or low paying jobs that can’t make ends meet and therefore rely on the Nicola Valley Food Bank located in Downtown Merritt BC Canada.


Nicola Valley Food Bank Shelving

Nicola Valley Food Bank Shelving–Tom Reynolds Photo

The Program of the Nicola Valley Food Bank

Of course the main function of the Nicola Valley Food Bank is to provide nutritious food to those in need.  However, there is more to the food bank than just the delivery of food.   The food bank has created many successful partnerships in both the non profit sector and the business sector. It is these alliances that  go along way to make the system work.

Sharing with other organizations

One of the organizations the Food Bank works with is Ask Wellness  which is a national program to help improve the lives of people.  One of their major focuses in Merritt is the housing component.  Many of Ask Wellness’s clients also are those of the Nicola Valley Food Bank.  By working together the two groups can see that the clients are properly fed with nutritious food.

The Merritt Soup Kitchen is another group that the Food Bank Deals with.  Sometimes one organization or other will get a donation of food that is greater than can be used immediately and therefore there is an exchange of the excess so nothing goes to waste.

School District 58 and Strong Start work with the  Food Bank to provide food for the Strong Start Program.

The Business Community is on Board

Certainly, the major grocery stores are on board with the food bank.  When Wal Mart, No Frills and Save-on-Foods have products that are reaching their “best before date” they send them to the food bank.  While these items are ending their retail life they still are OK to eat.  While these big companies are contributing greatly there are a number of other businesses that chip in such as Starbucks, Dollar Tree, Pharmasave, A&W an now Mr Mikes.

No Frills Supports Food BsankNo Frills Supports Food Bank
Dollar Tree Supports Food Bank

Dollar Tree Supports Food Bank

A&W Supports the Food BankA&W Supports the Food Bank Mr Mikes Supports the Food Bank
Save on foods supports Foo Bank

Save on foods supports Foo Bank

Walmart Supports Food BankWalmart Supports Food Bank Starbucks supports Food BankStarbucks supports Food Bank Pharmasave Supports the Food BankPharmasave Supports the Food Bank

Nicola Valley Food Bank Staffing and Volunteers

The success of any not for profit is in its staff and volunteers and the Food Bank is no exception.  Derlanda Hewton is the General manager and her enthusiasm and vision have filtered to the staff and volunteers.

At the time of my visit to the Food Bank, the following were the staff and volunteers.  Vanya Beck was the Administration assistant and intake person.  She has a reassuring personality that works well with the clients.

Keith Walliser is on the food desk and he brings a world of knowledge to the Nicola Valley Food Bank because of his many years in the grocery store business.  Also on staff are Edwin Feldman, inventory Clerk and Henry Krause, Driver.

Volunteers are Georgina Johnny, driver and on call, Brenda Fahlman and Rosemary McNeil, both portion control.  Finally, we have Ashley Davey.

Fund Raising

Like most non profits fund raising brings a significant amount of money (or food) for the operation of the  Food Bank.  Therefore community groups such as the Merritt Centennials put on food drives during their season.  Out right donations from people are also greatly appreciated

This year the Food Bank participated in a national fund raising event called the “Coldest Night of the Year”.  Consequently this fund raiser is catching on and should be bigger next year. The Centennials supported this event in a big way.

21-22 Merritt Centennials

21-22 Merritt Centennials-Tom Reynolds Photo

Future Plans for the Nicola Valley Food Bank

The current location of the Nicola Valley Food Bank is strategically located to serve its clientele but unfortunately it is too small to meet the needs of the organization and therefore are looking for a larger space.

They wish to add an education centre to teach things such as selecting nutritious foods, cooking nutritious foods and household budgeting.

In addition they need more space for preparing the Christmas hampers.  Each year they have had to go and find a space that is large enough for this task and be reasonably priced (free is best).

Lastly, these are ambitious goals and if you want to be apart of that apply to be on the Board of Directors or take all the action in by volunteering at the Food Bank.  Call Derlanda Hewton at 250.378.2282.

Nicola Valley Food Bank

Merritt British Columbia Canada

Nicola Valley Travel and Tourism Guides

nicola valley talk show

“Experience Community Program” is a small and rural community authentic content marketing program.  Therefore it is a product of the EH? Canada Marketing Group.  Contact us today to bring this award winning community program to your region. 

Campsites and Campgrounds in the Nicola Valley

Tips That Will Improve Any Merritt Campground  Trip

Campground Summer Adventures in Merritt, Canada

When  visiting Campsites and Campgrounds in Merritt BC Canada, make your next outdoor adventure easier with these simple camping tips. Moreover, with good planning anyone can make camping a memorable outdoor experience in the Nicola Valley. Knowing that camping connects you with nature, allows you to recharge your batteries while relaxing with family and friends. Experiencing camping in Merritt BC with these useful tips will improve your any camping trip.

Campsites and Campgrounds in Merritt BC Canada

Family Camping. Photo by Robert Neil

Water skiing in Merritt BC

Water skiing. Photo by Robert Neil.

Safety In Our Campsites and Campgrounds in Merritt BC Canada

Albeit, I love to camp around Merritt BC for all the mountains, scenery and activities we will experience. But safety is always my priority while out in the backcountry. The likelihood to observe all kinds of wildlife is truly a magical experience which I encourage. However,  I ask that you treat wildlife with the respect they need and deserve. My motto is that I am a guest in their home, and very privileged to be welcomed. Moreover, try and do some research on the campground you will be visiting.  A good source of information is the Experience Merritt website for campsites and campgrounds.

Summer Adventure on Nicola Valley’s Lakes

Dream summers. Photo by Tania Stewart.

Family campgrounds in the Nicola Valley

Memories are made camping Photo by Tania Stewart.

Carry bear spray, ensure it is accessible, and know how to use it before heading out on the trails. 

BC wilderness camping

BC Camping. Photo by Tania Stewart.

Stay respectful of the “Wilderness and Others”

It is important to always be considerate of all backcountry environments when visiting our campsites and campgrounds in Merritt BC Canada. Please… always keep your campsite clean. Leaving food out will attract all kinds of wildlife, including unwanted pests such as wasps, bears and more. Importantly, wildlife is also attracted to items that have an odor such as garbage, unwashed dishes, stoves, coolers, dog dishes, and toiletries. My toothpaste even? Yes, and shampoo, deodorant, skin cream, shaving lotion, suntan lotions, and baby diapers (especially used) will attract wildlife. Very important to always wash, and put away dishes, pots, and all garbage while storing your toiletries in air-sealed containers.  

Camping in Merritt BC Canada

Bear aware. Picture by Tania Stewart.

Wildlife in Merritt BC Canada

Wildlife Goat. Photo by Robert Neil.

Bear Aware in Our Campgrounds in Merritt BC Canada

If you knew how many bears are put down every year due to our lack of understanding and carelessness, you would cry.  It is important to know that carelessness can be a death sentence for a bear and its cubs. Did you know that much of our human-sourced food is rich in calories and that it is on a bear’s wish list to sustain itself hibernating in the winter months.  Therefore, garbage foraging for a bear is like us ordering take-out. It is easy and they lose their fear of us, associating us with food. Unfortunately, eating these foods brings bears and people closer together. Over time, bears lose their natural fear of people and start to associate people with food. Save our Bears by being wildlife aware.

Campsites in Merritt BC

Summer camping! Photo by Tania Stewart.

Family campground and campsites

Camping & Kids! Photo Tania Stewart.


Wildlife Law

Do not feed the BEARS!  Furthermore, this applies to all animals.  And did you know that feeding wildlife in a national park or historic site will get you charged under the Canada National Parks Act? Whether feeding them directly or indirectly by leaving unattended food or garbage for them to sniff out and find. So put away your food. 

Merritt fishing in the Nicola Valley

Wes David and the Fishing the Wild West TV Show. Photo credit Wes David.

Campsites in the Nicola Valley

Alleyne Lake. Photo Tania Stewart.

Wildlife Photo’s

Albeit it is exhilarating to see a moose, bear, deer, or even a fox while visiting our campsites and campgrounds in Merritt BC. Capturing that photo or video can make your day. It has made mine on many occasions. Distance and respect for wildlife are key, this is their home. Make sure to share your amazing shots to on our websites or tag us on Facebook at @experiencenicolavalley!

Birdwatching in Merritt BC Canada

Wildlife capture. Photo by Tania Stewart.

Nature Walking/hiking

Hiking on the trails while camping is the best. Being aware that the best time to set out on a hike or picnic is best served after breakfast and before the supper bell rings. Equally, just like us, wildlife/animals are active early morning and around sunset.  Furthermore, never go alone, carry a lot of water, make noise, bear spray, bug dope, and know your surroundings. 

Sightseeing in Merritt BC Canada

Hiking Trail. Photo by Robert Neil.

Give wildlife space-Stay alert and be aware of your surroundings-travel in groups

Campfires while Camping in the Nicola Valley

Always check and be up-to-date on fire bans and restrictions when visiting our valley. Call or google wildfire gov for updated information.  British Columbia is a large geographically diverse province. Therefore, decisions on when and where to implement fire bans and restrictions are made by B.C.’s six regional fire centers. Wildfire prevention starts with us and one little match could ignite our backwoods. So be mindful of your fires, cigarettes and other flammable items.

Report Fires

Important to always make sure your campfire is out. And in some cases put out a negligent camper’s fire. Always report any fire. Therefore we can continue to enjoy our great outdoors and bask in its tranquility, 

“There’s no wi-fi in the mountains, but you’ll find a not better connection.” Unknown


Campsites and campgrounds in Merritt BC Canada are truly one of the best ways to take a vacation. But the Mosquitoes! Take along a few bundles of sage the next time you go camping. Then, when the sun is setting and the campfire is going, burn a bit of sage with your fire. Or for a longer-lasting effect, set the stage on fire and let it smolder and smoke by the edge of the campfire. Moreover, mosquitoes are repelled by sage smoke and are a lot healthier than bug spray. 

Organizing Skills

Keeping your food secure and organized is important while camping. Organizing with storage is life-saving not to mention less stressful. Using bins, and sleeping bags for storage in tents,  Keeps your site organized and odor-free. Important leave no trace you were there. 

How to Find Amazing Camping Spots

Simply go to Experience Nicola Valley  and for all the information you will need to plan your camping trip to your specific summer adventure. Looking for a fishing adventure, speed boating one or a kayaking drift. Choosing the right campsite is the first step, getting there is the fun part, and the rest is just a load of memories. 

Campgrounds in Merritt BC Canada

Camping, campsites in the Nicola Valley Canada

Merritt BC Gardening

Canadian’s Love to Garden in the Nicola Valley

Gardening Tips in Merritt BC 

Gardening in Merritt BC is about finding the right combination of sunlight, fertile soil, and water to make your plants thrive. It’s also about fulfilling your passion for life and nature, so select plants wisely, especially ones you can love back. Use available community resources if you can. Give life to our Merritt BC Canada stores like they are to your garden. Garden local as they say, and in no time you’ll have a beautiful garden, filled with colors, and smells no matter what level of gardening experience you have.   

Gardening in Merritt BC Canada

Sell your produce at a local farmer’s market. Photo by Tania Stewart.

Make Gardening in Merritt BC Enjoyable

Therefore, a good rule of a green thumb, is to not be intimidated by the process of how to start a garden and care for it successfully. Although,  there is a lot of groundwork involved, it is not work. It is quality time outdoors for body and mind. Deciding to the garden is the easy part, but the biggest decision is going ahead with the project. The benefits of “reaping what you sow” will lift you to the highest level of calling yourself a “Master Gardener” 

Gardening in Merritt spectators

Invite friends over! Photo by Tania Stewart

Advice for Essential Gardening in Merritt 

Do not overthink it. Planting and deciding to start a garden is easy, the upkeep is the hard part, but the result is truly magical.   

Gardening Merritt BC

Gardening In the Nicola Valley. Photo by Tania Stewart

Gardening In the Nicola Valley

It’s all about the dirt! Picture by Tania Stewart

Garden Location in the Nicola Valley

Starting a garden is just like real estate. It’s all about the location. Knowing where to plant, what to plant, and most importantly when to seed is crucial. Start by paying attention to the sunlight, where is it in the morning and where it goes in the evening. Secondly, how to space your seeds and what should be near what? Should your carrots be neighbors with lettuce or spuds?  Moreover, know your zone. This means, that the higher the zone number, the warmer the climate. If a plant is for zone 4, and your garden is zone 2, that plant will not survive. Most edible plants, including many vegetables, herbs, and fruits, need at least 6 hours of sun to thrive.


A Local Tip: “Never plant if there is snow on Iron Mountain, or before May long weekend,” Tania Stewart.


Invest in Good Gardening Tools

I cannot state enough how the right tools make working in your garden a pleasure instead of a chore. Here is some basic gardening equipment to get you going. 

  • Garden hoe
  • Scuffle hoe
  • Dirt rake
  • Leaf rake
  • Garden Shovel or D handle Shovel
  • Hand tools
  • Rototiller

Water Source

The best gardening tip you’ll ever get is to plan your new garden near a water source. Make sure you can run a hose to your garden site, so you don’t have to lug water into it each time your plants get thirsty. Fact, the best way to tell if plants need watering is to push a finger an inch down into the soil (that’s about one knuckle deep). If it’s dry, it’s time to water.

Birds Merritt BC

Water well. Photo by Tania Stewart

Flowers in Merritt BC

Bee’s love flowers. Photo by Tania Stewart

Do Not Forget To Plant Flowers

Bees need flowers. Throughout the world, people have taken on the fight for the survival of our “Bees”.  Merritt BC Canada is no different. Every day more and more people are becoming more aware of how important these hard-working honey makers are to our survival. Not to mention, without bees, the availability and diversity of fresh produce would decline substantially, and human nutrition would likely suffer. For more information on this subject,  Bee/honey makers Experience in the Nicola Valley

Flowering plants in Nicola Valley

Some flowers block pests. Photo by Tania Stewart

Sunflowers and Bees

Sunflowers are essential for gardens. Photo by Tania stewart

It Is All In The Soil

What do you really know about your garden soil? If you can try to invest in nutrient-rich soil. Test your soil to see if it’s acidic, alkaline, or neutral PH. Is it rocky, sandy clay, or just a mix of all? Does your soil have a good amount of basic nutrients?  This is something my avid gardening father takes seriously. 

Gardening as a family

Watching the garden grow. Photo by Tania Stewart

Learn your frost dates

Planting too early (or late) in the season can spell disaster for your garden. You need to know the last average spring frost date for your area so you don’t accidentally kill plants by putting them out prematurely. It’s also good to know your first average fall frost date so that you get your plants harvested or moved indoors before fall frost damages them.  

Gardening plot in merritt bc

Tomato plants. Photo by Tania Stewart

Tomato plants in Merritt BC

Safe Tomato plants. Picture by Tania Stewart


One can not stress the importance of your “Planting Groundwork!” Take extra care in the beginning, and the result is what you reap.


The result.

Planting with Care

Once you have done the groundwork, next is planting. Do not hesitate to ask neighbors where to purchase your seeds. Albeit the rule of thumb when planting seeds is roughly 3 times deep as the size of the seed. Unless otherwise directed on the package. When transplanting, usually you will plant at the same depth as they were growing in the pot. Important to note, that tomatoes can be planted deeper.

Gardening and lawn care

Garden maintenance. Photo by Tania Stewart

Preparing a garden in BC Canada

Preparing your garden. Photo by Tania Stewart


Consider containers when gardening Merritt BC.

When space is at a premium, look to containers. You can grow many plants in pots, including vegetables, herbs, flowers, fruit trees, berries, and shrubs. Planting tomatoes can be tricky. Using potting containers is sometimes ideal for small spaces as well as maturing them enabling their survival. Strawberries can also thrive well in containers. 


Strawberry net. Photo by Tania Stewart


Every garden, may want to cover and protect from winged bandits! Birds love the sweetness of the berry, covering them will protect your plants and keep deer from eating the flowers and destroying the growth. Most important this is a safe non-chemical deterrent to natural pests. If you spray it, you will eat it!


Bird Bandits. Photo by Tania Stewart

Mulch is Great

Weeds suck the life out of plants, mulch helps reduce these nasty veg killers. Apply a layer of mulch that’s 2 to 3 inches deep around each plant. Help reduce weeds by blocking out the sun and reduce moisture loss through evaporation, so you have to be waterless.  


Gardening Merritt BC.

Reap what you sow. Photo by Tania Stewart

Reaping mounds of veggies

Nurture your garden in the Nicola Valley

Take it from me, my father is the best fertilizer, he is the garden’s shadow. Most important is to be prepared to make time to tend to your plants. Depending on the size of your garden, time requirements may range from a few minutes of weeding, and watering, to a full-time day job. Watering your plants, as a rule of thumb need around one inch of water per week. 


Be proud of your endeavors. Picture by Tania Stewart

Potato salad?


Gardening Merritt BC.

Truly the first fruit is the Strawberry. Moreover, being the first and the sweetest. June welcomes this favorite berry.  British Columbia has native strawberries throughout, just waiting for you to pick and enjoy their a burst of sweet flavor.  

Starting with great soil, with regular water, will make your plants very happy. Bill Stewart.


berry picking merritt bc

Strawberry delight. Photo by Tania Stewart

pie, home made, strawberry custard

Completely homemade strawberry custard pie.

Bugs and Disease 

When gardening in the Nicola Valley beware of bugs. Moreover, bugs are more attracted to plants that are stressed or in some way deficient. If you have healthy, well-nourished plants, your pest problems should be minimal. Noteworthy, for most problems, there’s an organic solution. If you’re going through all the effort to grow your food, why would you want to put toxins on it? Overwatering is almost more harmful than underwatering. 


Happy times! Photo by Tania Stewart

What’s up! Photo Tania Stewart

In conclusion Gardening Merritt BC.

 Extra produce from your garden? Try selling produce at your local farmers’ market or donate to the food bank.

Gardening in Merritt BC Canada

Nicola Valley Gardens, Gardening, and Gardeners 



National & Provincial AWARD WINNING Travel and Tourism Guides

nicola valley talk show

“Experience Community Program” is a small and rural community authentic content marketing program.  Therefore it is a product of the EH? Canada Marketing Group.  Contact us today to bring this award winning community program to your region. 

Fishing Derby in Merritt, British Columbia, Canada

2022 Fishing Tournament in the Nicola Valley at Peter Hope Lake

Special Guest Wes David of Fishing The Wild West TV Show

The May 14th Merritt Fishing Derby held at Peter Hope Lake in the Nicola Valley was a testament to our motto, “a lake a day for as long as you stay”.  The first derby of the year in these parts was hosted by the group at Tourism Nicola Valley – Experience Nicola Valley.  


Merritt Fishing Derby – Spirit of Merritt

Considering what we have gone through in the last 2 years as a community, it was, in essence, a day of reckoning. It was good to see  the “Spirit of Merritt” that we have all grown to learn and love. Now more will know how good we have it here.

Nicola Valley Draws People From Across BC To Fish

Approximately 50 fishermen and fisherwomen registered for the Tourism Nicola Valley – Experience Nicola Valley fishing tournament. Many from out of town. Some coming from areas like Kamloops, Richmond, Abbotsford, Langley, Chilliwack, Hope, Lac Le Jeune and other BC communities. Therefore, it was a few days of welcomed revenues to our local pubs, restaurants, grocery stores, gas stations and others.

merritt fishing derby

People gather for sharing some fishing tales. Photo Credit Wes David.

trout fishing

Measuring fish for prizing. Photo Credit: Greg Girard

Day Of Fishing Starts

The fishing enthusiasts started arriving at the derby base camp on Peter Hope Lake at 5 am on May 14th. Some stayed in town , while others camped out at one of our many wilderness campgrounds. Consequently, they fished until 5pm in the sun, most of the day.

Fishing Sun Or Rain Is Fun

In the evening the rains moved in, just in time for the award ceremony announcing the winners. Special guest Wes David presented the winners with their prizes. Many took advantage of his truck and boat on display for photos and selfies.

Wes David

Wes David and cameraman Chuck. Photo Credit: Greg Girard

Fishing Celebrity – Wes David

Wes David is the host of the Fishing the Wild West TV Show. The show generates 33 million viewers a year across many specialty and fishing networks. Wes, and his cameraman, Chuck, both avid fishermen, spent 4 days fishing the lakes of our valley for an upcoming TV show about fishing the Nicola Valley. A well deserved accolade celebrating our lakes and the natural outdoors. Country lakes is what we do well. Country anything is what we do always when it comes to adventure and music. 


First Class Lake Fishing Opportunity

Merritt fishing

Wes David and the Fishing the Wild West TV Show. Photo Credit: Wes David

Tourism Nicola Valley strongly believes, Merritt should benefit from and grow a responsible and productive recreational fishing season in the valley to assist in generating new money for the community. “BC residents spent $102 per fishing day! Canadian non-residents spent over $181 per fishing day, and International non-resident anglers spent over $334 per fishing day.” 

What Does Fishing Mean To The Valley

Average it out at $204 a day, add 100 new fishermen a month who fish our lakes and each one stays for a 3 day weekend… and when you add it all up it equates to $61,200 of new money invested into our community in one month. 

“There is no end to the rainbow trout in the Nicola Valley BC. Merritt & Nicola Valley BC is truly a trout anglers’ paradise! I spent 2 days fishing 2 of the 200+ lakes in the area for rainbow trout and I’ve never caught and released so many rainbow trout in a single day in my life”

Merritt Fishing Derby Winners

merritt fishing derby winners

Winners pose with Wes David. Photo Credit: Greg Girard

At the end of the day, the prizes were announced with first prize going to Derek Poitras, second prize to Colin Mitchell and 3rd prize was awarded to Nathan Lewis. In the youth category the prize went to Skylar Vilac.

All in all, the winners of the day, were all of us who came together, in sun and rain, to laugh, smile and share fishing tales. Thank you to all who attended and may the fishing Gods be with you. Come back soon.

Merritt Fishing Derby

2022 Fishing Tournament in the Nicola Valley at Peter Hope Lake


National & Provincial AWARD WINNING Travel and Tourism Guides

nicola valley talk show

“Experience Community Program” is a small and rural community authentic content marketing program.  Therefore it is a product of the EH? Canada Marketing Group.  Contact us today to bring this award winning community program to your region. 

Art Show in Merritt BC

Artist Shirley Reynolds

Home is Where the Art Is

Show Poster

Show Poster-Merritt Printing design



Colour Personified









An Art Show in Merritt BC will be held from May 5, 2022 to June 5, 2022 at the Nicola Valley Arts Centre.  

Artist Shirley Reynolds

Shirley Reynolds

Shirley Reynolds-Tom Reynolds Photo

Shirley Reynolds Art Show in Merritt

Shirley got her art career off to a great start when she was just a toddler.  Her dad had painted her bedroom but apparently it was a little too boring for her so she took an indelible pencil and drew on the wall.  As you can imagine Shirley’s father was not impressed but took the time to explain to her that drawing on the wall was not appropriate. After this discussion he repainted the offending wall. However, awhile later he came back to find that his artist daughter had “improved” the wall again. From that point on she was hooked with painting and has spent over six decades perfecting her craft.

Landscapes in the Art Show in Merritt BC

Many artists over the years tend to develop a signature style that is associated with them.  While her paintings have grown in complexity over the years she has not settled into a specific style.  Each painting is unique, just like the artist, herself.  When we go camping she loves to bring paints so she can capture the scenery where ever we may be.

Tree at the lake

Reynolds Photo

Harmon Lake

Harmon Lake-Tom Reynolds Photo







“Still lifes ” in the Art show in Merritt BC

As I said before, Shirley’s style is different for nearly every painting.  However, there is one aspect to her paintings that is consistent and that is the use of brilliant colours.  This definitely comes out when she does a “still life” as you can see in the examples below.

Flowers in Pot

Flowers in Pot-Tom Reynolds Photo


Flowers-Tom Reynolds Photo


Abstracts in the Art Show in Merritt BC

As I said earlier Shirley does not have just one style that identifies her work.  I believe her paintings come from her soul so you never know what you are going to get until she puts her inspiration to paper.  While she does a large part of her work on landscapes she has begun to dabble in abstracts.  However her use of colour flows through these as well.

Geometric abstract

Geometric Abstract-Tom Reynolds Photo

movement abstracts

Movement Abstracts-Tom Reynolds photo













Impressionism Style is at the Art Show in Merritt, BC

Sometimes the inspiration for a subject matter requires that the objects are less defined but you get the sense of the painting.  Below are examples of Shirley using this style.

Fall Colours

Fall Colours-Tom Reynolds Photo

Fall Tree

Fall Tree-Tom Reynolds Photo










Painting is not all she does

While her primary artistic endeavor is painting, her creativity is expressed  in almost everything she does. On several occasions she has set her hand to doing mosaics.  Apparently it is handy to save your broken cups and saucers because you never know when the need to do a mosaic will come. Also you may come across something that would make a great base for your project such as a ball.

Mosaic Globe

Mosaic Globe-Tom Reynolds Photo


Mosaic Tea Cups

Mosaic Tea Cups-Tom Reynolds Photo















She still hasn’t finished  experimenting with different mediums as she and her daughter, Andrea are going to try their hand at pottery.  

Her artistic talents have also stirred her interest in interior decorating.  Along with the items she is displaying, she has upped the ambiance of the show by providing colourful props that support the art work.

Support the Art Show in Merritt BC

Supporting the art show is one way of ensuring that the arts will be alive and well in Merritt.  When you sign the register this provides evidence to the funding partners that the activity is valued by the community and tourists alike. While you are at the show you can browse the gift shop and help support local artists and the Arts Council.  It is also a good time to check out the programs that are offered.  


Art Show in Merritt BC

Artist Shirley Reynolds

Home is Where the Art Is


Nicola Valley Travel and Tourism Guides

nicola valley talk show

“Experience Community Program” is a small and rural community authentic content marketing program.  Therefore it is a product of the EH? Canada Marketing Group.  Contact us today to bring this award winning community program to your region.