Ranching in the Nicola Valley – Branding Day
Ranching in the Nicola Valley – Branding Calves
Branding calves on the ranch
“I feel very blessed to be working with such a great bunch of people”
There are so many things to consider if you are ranching in the Nicola Valley – branding day and calves is one of them.
Spring is here in Merritt BC Canada, the calves are born and now it’s time to get things ready to start branding caves on the ranch. You want to do this before you send them to range or before anyone can take them.
There is so much you need to get organized and ready for branding day. Not only do you have to have your ropers and ground people lined up but you also have to make sure all your equipment is in working order. You also need to make sure you have all the necessary supplies for the day.
On top of all that your crew will need to be fed and kept hydrated throughout the day.
Today I am going to take you through a day of ranching in the Nicola Valley – branding calves. This is not like a typical written blog but a story through photographs. I really hope you enjoy.
Start of the day
Once the crew all know there jobs, fed breakfast which on this day consisted of coffee, tea, water, juice, muffins, bacon and egg or ham and egg on English muffins.

Breakfast at the Ranch House

Cowboys mounting up and discussing life before the real work begins.
Breakfast done, now everyone is just getting ready to head out to gather the cows and calves.

Cowboys heading up to gather the cows and calves and bring them in for branding.

Ranching in the Nicola Valley – Branding Day, bringing the first herd in from the back fields.

Heading into the arena.

Look at all the fresh grass. Won’t be like that for long.

Cowboys getting ready to start roping the calves.

Here we go, first calf roped and getting hauled up to the branding station.

Once they have had their medications its time to brand. Gerry is checking to make sure the brand is on well enough. The smoke is from the hair burning.

Two sides going at once to make it a smoother operation and a little faster.

Corena branding one of her calves.

Sometimes things don’t go quite as planned so the ground crew tries to help out in catching the calf to re position the rope into the correct place. It’s all about team work.

Waiting for all parts of the branding to be completed before letting the calf go.

You can see here the calf was roped in the wrong spot.

So they wrestle the calf and re position the rope.

Which makes it easier and faster to give the medications and position for getting the ranches brand.

Gerry from 8 Mile Ranch putting his brand on.

First herd finished and heading back out to pasture. Lunch Break

Horses all lined up along the fence as the cowboys and crew stop for lunch.
Lunch Time
Another great meal consisting of fruit trays, vegetable trays, home made sausage rolls, sandwiches, muffins, all kids of little deserts and drinks.

Lunch all done, time to head out and gather the second herd.

Ranching in the Nicola Valley – Branding Day. This is the second herd coming in for branding.

As the second herd makes it’s way into the arena you can see it isn’t as grassy this time.

I have to say this is one of my favorite calves. I call it Panda. Just missing the white around the eyes.

Relaxing for a moment while waiting it’s turn.

Ranch dogs patiently waiting for their turn to do some work.

The hair is clipped away so you can see better where you are putting the brand.

The Bosses 🙂 Gerry 8 Mile Ranch and Corena Calton Cattle Co.

Kids also love having some fun on branding day.

Colin bringing up another calf. Way to go Colin.

Nothing quite like seeing a father and son bonding.

Calves are just so darn cute.

The Boss Gerry doing his part in roping a calf. These horses are just as hard working as the cowboys and people on the ground. It is really quite something to watch how it all comes together.

Corena’s pretty brand on one of her calves. Nice job

Sometimes a little wrestling is in order hahaha, hold her down.

UT watching on, waiting to go out and work.

Gerry jumping off his horse to fix the rope on a calf.

Catch it…

And re position the rope. Great team work by all.

Team wrestling is a fact of life when branding. Flipping a calf that just didn’t want to go down.

Hold on… We are almost done!

Oh another one where the rope needs to be re positioned.

Way to go, get them all finished up.

Group two heading back out to pasture

There’s that little panda again. So darn cute.

Second group back into the pasture, now to go and get the third and final group.
Final Group to be Branded

Ranching in the Nicola Valley – Branding day. Here comes the last small group of calves that need to be branded. Yes, that is a dairy cow that you see. She is a surrogate mother. Any orphan calves that the ranch gets will be introduced to the Dairy cow. She takes them on as her own. It’s quite amazing to watch.

There always seems to be one that ends up almost like a pet

This little one is no exception. Corena has to go and give it a little pet.

Then she talks to it before branding. So cute. So much care and consideration goes into everything that this ranch does. I feel blessed to be a part of what they do.

And sometimes you think you have it.

You try really hard

And still….

The calf wins and gets away….lol

There is even a dummy steer and rope for those who would like to try their luck.

Kids seem to love it

Although it’s more fun to rope your brother and drag him around.

Okay, I will let you go hahaha.
Supper Time
Now that all the calves have been branded. It’s time to relax, tell stories and prepare for the amazing supper.
All in all a day ranching in the Nicola Valley – Branding Day is a day of not only full of hard work. It is also fun in seeing old friends, new ones and enjoying all the day had to offer.

The start of the amazing Mexican dinner being prepared for supper by Patrick.
Adding peppers, oh my it’s looking so good.
For more great blogs about Merritt and the Nicola Valley head over to Experience Nicola Valley web page. Corena owner of Calton Cattle Co is also at Creative Company in downtown Merritt with lots of wonderful western decor.

Photo Credit Calton Cattle Co. at Creative Company
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