COVID 19 in Merritt BC – Self Isolation in the Nicola Valley
COVID 19 in Merritt BC
The Nicola Valley hunkers down in self isolation creating some quality time for self reflection and some random musings.
Merritt British Columbia, Canada and the COVID 19 pandemic has created a new normal.
COVID 19 in Merritt BC – Never before, could we have imagined that the community of Merritt BC Canada, the country of Canada and the tourism industry would be brought to a stand still. Life as we knew it changed in just under 2 months ago. Consequently, I will be the first to admit we were caught off guard. Did not see this storm coming.
The Realities of COVID 19 in Merritt BC
Not long ago tourists were planning summer vacations, public music events, road trips and adventures to the Nicola Valley. Today, we are cancelling vacations, taking up long lost hobbies, learning new technology, self educating, working from home, as well as, maintaining social distancing when we go out into our communities. It is a brand new world.
“This is not an equal opportunity pandemic. … Marginalized communities will be disproportionately impacted.” — Katherine Scot, a senior economist with Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

Social distancing in the Nicola Valley
Stars of Self Isolation
The crisis named COVID 19 has shown many of us here and around the world who the real heroes are in our country. Our musicians, actors, sports stars are no different than us during this COVID 19 era. They too are in self isolating. They too are in lock down.
The Real Hero’s in Our Communities
Look who has emerged as our community heroes. The grocery store employee, the guy pumping your gas, the delivery person who brings you your pizza, the truck driver who stocks our stores, the person who picks up our garbage, our health care workers and others. A big “Virtual Group Hug” goes out to all who are keeping the lights on in our communities. They are the foot soldiers fighting this battle on the front lines.

Support our front line health care workers.
Merritt BC is Not Immune
In Merritt BC it may look like COVID 19 is non existent. Just because we are not seeing and hearing the numbers of COVID 19 cases in the Nicola Valley or in the Thompson-Okanagan region, does not mean it is not here. Consequently, lets remind ourselves that all it takes is one carrier of the virus to take down a community. Why take a chance and roll the dice with the Devil himself?
Grow Some Manners
Fortunately and unfortunately I have seen the true colors in some people come out during COVID 19. Mostly it is all good, some not so good. The good is most of us our respecting each others space as we self isolate. Sad, is that not everyone is being kind. How people can be so rude and disrespectful boggles my mine. For example, while getting groceries I witnessed a man swear at a Senior in a grocery store because she said he was too close to her. Valid right, not to mention it is her life that is at risk. How would anyone take offence to that comment? I was disgusted in the man. The lack of respect was unacceptable. I spoke up and then was told to %^$# as well. The senior smiled and said thank you.
Be thankful Merritt. We are Lucky
Regardless of your opinion, real or not, that is beside the point. The point is we are one of the lucky ones… so far. That is something to be grateful for as that means our friends and family are in a safer situation than in other areas of the country and world. Recently I am reminded how lucky we really are to have dedicated nurses and doctors in Canada. I have heard and seen the honking, and beeping cars, trucks, ambulances and police as they drive by saluting the Nicola Valley Hospital. It is a beautiful thing.
Be Kind During Self Isolation
Social distancing to me is an opportunity to show my respect and love for our seniors and elders, my friends and family and to all the people in my community and Canada. I have a renewed admiration for those that keep positive in this very challenging time. I get it. It is hard. I am practicing self isolation too because I do not want to be part of the problem. By the same token I want to be part of the solution. So, I do my best and phone my friends and loved ones regularly because I care and do not want them to to be engulfed in a dark world surrounded by loneliness.
Who are your Self Isolation Heroes?
I believe we need to look and start acknowledging the Nicola Valley self isolating heroes more. Why not push out some positive messages of active people in the community who are holding back their social urges because it is the right thing to do. Examples of good people doing such a thing are people like Tom and Shirley Reynolds right here in Merritt BC.
“It’s a time to look forward, not behind. I think it’s timely to think ahead. Yes we’re faced with another global health challenge, but every day will be a little better than the day before. We’re looking forward.” — Darrell Fox, Terry Fox’s brother, on the 40th anniversary of the start of the Marathon of Hope.

Tom and Shirley Reynolds practicing self isolation
This is a Test on Humanity
The only way I see us coming out of this is to continue to practice self isolation, social distancing and being kind to each people. When this is all said and done, many must ask themselves, “Was I a good person during COVID 19?” and “Did I help the problem or did I contribute to it?” In conclusion, it is times like these when one’s morals, ethics and integrity are measured. How do you measure up on the humanity scale?
Nicola Valley Self Isolation Lessons
COVID 19 in Merritt BC
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