Winter Campfires in the Nicola Valley, B.C.
Campfire Fun in Wintery Merritt
Bonfires and campfires throughout the Nicola Valley
“Not long after the snowball fight started and the laughter and happy shrieks of the girls had us laughing right along.”
There’s something magical about winter campfires in the Nicola Valley, B.C. in the falling snow. Warming up with it’s glowing heat, while enjoying time with friends and family. Roasting marshmallows and having hot chocolate or an adult bevvy. Watching the kids faces light up as they make their marshmallow just right for them. I lucked out this last boxing day, with a light snow falling, great friends, and cold beers.

Fire in the snow
I had an urge for a fire and invited a good friend and his daughters out to enjoy with me. I got the fire started and had it roaring and hot for when they got here. It kept us toasty warm as we gabbed about Christmas and the girls told me about their presents. They were enjoying so much that they even left their phones alone. Inspired by the winter campfires fun in the Nicola Valley, I got out the roasting sticks and marshmallows and they were soon competing to have the best marshmallow. Not long after the snowball fight started and the laughter and happy shrieks of the girls had us laughing right along.
Family and friends
One of the best things about living in a small community is how quickly you get to know people, neighbours soon become friends. We were soon joined by other residents wanting to join in on the fun and warmth. Winter campfires in the Nicola Valley helped smiles and laughter come easily, when surrounded by good people and nature’s beauty.
Mental illness to mental wellness
I myself live with anxiety, but regularly find myself turning to a relaxing evening with a fire. The elements have always had a calming effect on my mind and I love getting lost in the dancing flames. The trees, earth, sound of the river, combined with the fire, bring my mind to a place of ease and contentment. Mix all that in with amazing people, and I am one real happy camper ( pun intended ).

Happy fires
I feel very fortunate to live and be able to share in these beautiful surroundings and moments here in the Nicola Valley hosting my winter campfires.
Life truly is good around a winter campfire
Neighbours and friends have helped to make our communal fire pit safe and welcoming for all. Everyone knows that if you see my fire lit, to feel more than free to come down and join in. For my friends in town I send out a few texts and let the fun begin. We have stumps out and a couple picnic tables to accommodate all that want to join me. For me there’s nothing better than good company to truly enjoy an evening. When it gets damp, I get the stumps around the edge so they dry out and get warm for tushies. I try to make sure everyone that joins my fires are as comfortable as possible. I want everyone to feel at home with me, and enjoy as much as I do.
“Always warm and inviting. “ Stewart Nutbrown

Firewood to be
I’m not normally a big fan of winter, but with campfires available I’m enjoying this one to the utmost.
With the help of other campers, we’ve got ourselves a great load of firewood that I’ve begun to split. Hard work, but so worth it. Gathering and splitting wood keeps me warm, and in great shape. Going out to different spots in the Nicola Valley with the guys was a ton of fun. The catcalls and teamwork were at their best. Hanging with the guys brings out the rude, yet fun comments and jibes. Thankfully I’ve always hung out and enjoyed male friends, so I’m able to join right in with the banter.
Gathering campfire wood with Lance Brown in the Nicola Valley
Depending on the type of wood I’m using, ie; split or branches, is how I build my fire. With twigs and branches I tend to do a teepee style, split wood I go with log cabin. How do you start your fires?
I like to start my fires before the sun sets, so that I have good light. The awe inspiring sunsets definitely have me out there early too, so I can enjoy the view full of purples, pinks, reds, and oranges with a hot fire at my back. My 16 year old son loves pointing them out to me for us both to enjoy. With views that inspire the soul, I can’t imagine anywhere more beautiful than the Nicola Valley. White snow covered hills in winter or layers of gold in summer.

Sunset sky
My friends daughters got to enjoy making some Christmas memories on a perfect snowy night. I know I’ll never forget it right here in the Nicola Valley with winter campfires.
Awesome story Ali, It brought me to a point that I am gonna have to try this one winter. It felt like I was actually there with you enjoying the winter fire fun!