Coffee Shops in Merritt
Mandolin’s Bagel & Coffeehouse in Downtown Merritt BC
“No matter your eats and coffee needs just order and Mandolin’s will look after the quality and service.”
When it comes to coffee shops in Merritt BC Canada Mandolins Coffee Shop is a frequent stop for this coffee connoisseur. There are many coffee stops to select from too throughout the Nicola Valley. All have their pluses and unique style from the chain store coffee shops to the privately operated family owned and operated coffee shops in Merritt. But what makes a favorite coffee shop? That is a tough question? It is a question usually answered based on personal preferences.

Enjoying a “cup-of-joe” at Mandolin’s Bagel & Coffeehouse in Downtown Merritt BC
Coffee With Mandolin’s Bagel & Coffeehouse
When I talk about the types of coffee shops in Merritt I mean the taste, smells, strength and purpose of the coffee. Purpose you ask? Well yes of course. You see, in my line of work you have coffee for different purposes. There is the road coffee. “Coffee to go” for short. This is huge for me, as I travel a lot. Then there are coffees while I am staying in communities like the work coffee, morning coffee, night coffee, stay awake coffee and then there is the hide in the corner booth coffee. This last one is my work escape so I can get some projects done, spread my papers out and get some work in. Each coffee has a purpose. Mandolin’s Bagel & Coffeehouse satisfies most of my coffee urges.
Coffee Shops In Merritt
Being that I have had the opportunity to spend some quality time in the community of Merritt BC I have had a chance to enjoy many coffee shops in the Nicola Valley. Mandolin’s Coffee Shop is one of the establishments I frequent often for many different reasons including good service, “yum-yum” baking, positive conversations, friendly patrons, location and of course, the coffee.

The Patrons of Mandolin’s Bagel & Coffeehouse
Smile Included With Your Coffee
I really enjoy the conversations and connections I enjoy with the owner of Mandolin’s Bagel & Coffeehouse, Cheryl. She greets me with a hello every visit, and always has a thought to share. Bottom line she makes me smile.
She attributes her success to,
“Customer service, fast service. The hours myself and Laurie put in and a lot of hard work.”
I would like to add the upbeat environment, and positive attitude to her list of attributes. She always has something to say that makes me go “hum”.

Cheryl, owner of Mandolin’s serves her patrons with a smile.
I have traveled the country for over a decade in my work. In doing so I have sat in many coffee shops. Looking back, the good ones, my coffee shops of choice, all had good people running the show. It just goes to show that a happy demeanor and positive conversations will win over customers. Mandolin’s Bagel & Coffeehouse is one of the coffee shops in Merritt which makes my “Coffee Shop Bucket List”.
Lastly, I have always enjoyed a good cup of coffee in the company of many good people during my visits. Add in a comfortable positive environment and I am a sucker for a coffee moment. Therefore Mandolins is, in essence, “Greg Approved”.

Me having a coffee moment at Mandolin’s Bagel & Coffeehouse
Coffee Tri-Vecta In Merritt BC
I cannot say enough of how appreciative I am when I pop into Mandolin’s Coffee Shop in-between appointments to have a “cup-of-joe”. Because the coffee at Mandolins jives with my palette nicely, one cup of java is usually not enough. I usually do a tri-vecta and gobble down a few more cups of coffee before I dash out the door for an appointment. As I get up to leave I say my goodbyes. Cheryl often echoes back hers.
Hockey Night In Mandolin’s Bagel & Coffeehouse

Hockey Night in Mandolins
The environment at Mandolin’s Coffee Shop created by Cheryl and her daughter, Laurie, is enhanced by the numerous number of NHL (National Hockey League) and local hockey jerseys hanging from the ceiling and walls. Many are autographed. All are interesting. Therefore, if you are a hockey fanatic like myself, you are captivated by the display of hockey memorabilia.
Mandolins and History
Complimenting the hockey atmosphere on the walls of Mandolin’s Bagel & Coffeehouse are photos of times gone by in the Nicola Valley. It is a cowboy story book of history told through the lens of time.
Experience Nicola Valley asked Cheryl, “What makes your coffee shop unique?”
“(Our) keto and gluten free menu. Big hockey fans so the jerseys hanging up and all the cowboy pictures (hanging) on the walls. The customers love them.”
Coffee Shop In Merritt Homemade Baked Goods
Something which is very refreshing is that all the baked goods are made from scratch. They are not pre-made, frozen, nor brought in from another source. No, this is all about homemade and always fresh. How yummy is that!

Homemade baked goods
Behind the counter is a menu board with a good selection of eats. Eat in or take out, that is your call. Go big and contact Mandolins to cater for your Nicola Valley events and functions. No matter your eats and coffee needs just order and Mandolin’s will look after the quality and service.
“Soup, sandwiches, bagels, salads (budda bowls), specialty drinks, smoothies and more… “

Mandolin’s Bagel & Coffeehouse menu board full of eats
Merritt Coffee Shop And More
When coffee is on your mind and you want to get in some additional shopping without driving from parking lot A to parking lot B then this coffee shop in Merritt is the ticket. Located in Railyard Mall in Downtown Merritt there are other services operating on the premises. There is a large grocery store (Save on Foods), liquor store (BC Liquor Store), pet store (Pet Value), adventure clothing company (Work And Play), fitness outlet, real estate office, auto parts (Lordco), Nicola Valley Museum & Archives and more.
Mandolin’s Bagel & Coffeehouse
1700 Garcia Street
Merritt, BC, Canada
V1K 1B8
Telephone: (250) 315-0007