Experience Nicola Valley Fishing Derby Rules:
1. Derby is scheduled for Saturday, March 14, 2022, from 6:00am to 5:00pm on Peter Hope Lake Merritt. Only fish caught during these hours will qualify. Registration to begins at 5:00 am. There will be no refunds on entry fees.
2. No pre-fishing is allowed. Anyone with a line in the water prior to 6:00 am will be disqualified.
3. All provisions of the Fisheries Act of Canada, Fisheries Act of British Columbia and British Columbia Fishing regulations must be adhered to. You must have a valid fishing license and all entries must use a singles barbless hook. There is a bait ban for all fish and a catch limit of 2 for rainbow trout.
4. All Derby participants indemnify and hold harmless Peter Hope Lake, Tourism Nicola Valley, Julie Pollard of Merritt Property Guys, and those assisting in the derby operations with respect to any death, injury, damage liability, theft, or fire or other claims arising before, during, or after this competitive fishing derby. Each entrant entering the derby will be in effect signing a waiver form.
5. Derby tickets are non-refundable. Participants may not fish with entry tickets purchased in the name of another individual. Tickets purchased prior to the event may be transferred to another individual at the registration desk on the day of the event.
6. Prizes are determined by length of the fish and time registered. In the event of a tie, the first fish registered wins. All species qualify. There is a catch limit of 2 for rainbow trout.
7. It is the intent of the Derby organizers to provide an honest sportsman -like Derby. In the interest of good sportsmanship, contestants are reminded that the “spirit of the rule” will apply.” In the case of discrepancies or complaints that cannot be resolved by negotiation, the Derby Official’s decision shall be final. No other person can be considered as a spokesperson for rules during the derby.
8. Fish Measuring:
a. Fish will be measured by derby officials only as follows:
b. Derby official will measure total length of fish with tail laid flat from
nose to the fork in the tail and time recorded.
9. One adult alone in a boat is permitted two lines to fish as per license regulations.
10. Entrants are responsible for their own safety, actions, gear and equipment.
11. No alcoholic beverages or recreational cannabis will be allowed at any time during the derby.
12. Unruly actions of any kind will not be tolerated. Failure to comply with any of the Derby rules will result in disqualification and removal from the Derby site.
13. It is expected that all derby participants act in good sportsmanship throughout the derby.
14. Prizes will be awarded at 6:00 pm by Wes David from Fishing The Wild West TV Show.
15. Youth aged 15 and under who wish to participate in the adult category for the main prize money must pay the adult ticket fee. Youth 15 and under for fish for free and are eligible for the youth prizes.
16. Winners, those participating, and anyone in the derby area may have their name and photo published in local media along with Experience Nicola Valley, Eh Canada Travel and Merritt’s property Guys Website, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter sites.
17. Cancellations and Delays:
a. Derby Officials have the right to delay or shorten Derby times, subject to weather or safety conditions.
b. Should inclement weather, unsafe conditions, BC Public Health Orders, or any other reasons beyond the Derby Officials control, cause the Derby cancellation on May 14, 2022, another date will be announced at the time of cancellation.